Saturday 23 April 2011

Dead Flowers - Chapter Sixteen

After Robert had fainted, Leena was forbidden from seeing him until he had recovered. It's been a week and she's finally allowed to see her ghost boy.

My feet wandered quietly down the long hospital hallway. Robert had been moved here over a week ago. After his body had gone into some form of cardiac arrest, I had been banned from seeing him.

Darwin had said I was the reason his new body had been so strained. I had been the reason he had passed out and nearly vanished before my very eyes.

So I stayed away for his sake and for mine. I wouldn't dare hinder his chances of recovery. He had pushed himself because I had been there. If I hadn't, I was nearly certain Robert would’ve already been home.

I reached a desk where a receptionist greeted me, a bright smile upon her face, “Good morning, Miss. How can I help you today?”

“My name’s Leena Harlton,” I breathed, nervous she’d tell me I’d have to go home, that I still wasn’t allowed in Robert’s presence, “I was told I could see Robert today.”

She turned to her computer, “Mr. Iria? Yes, of course, he’s just down the left, the third door.”

“Thank you.”

Robert had been placed in a ‘special’ wing. It was an area of the hospital that dealt with certain cases, weird ones that Dr. Best said it’d best be to ignore. Robert was one of those weird cases that only these specialized nurses seemed capable of tending too. 

I sighed. It had been a long week.

After Robert had been stabilized, Dr. Best had found me still staring at the door. There had been a sullen frown across her thick lips as she told me I was to head home. She had called a cab and would see to it that I’d get a phone call soon in regards to Robert’s health.

I had wanted to argue, wanted to fight that I needed to stay but Dr. Best said I had caused enough trouble.

I went home quietly after that.

The cab drove me straight to my home in a matter of minutes. The house was empty for all but five minutes before Caleb came bursting in. Even with him, it still felt lonesome.

The bright eyed Pine boy gathered me into his arms the moment he saw me wandering towards the stairwell. All I ended up doing was bawl on his shoulder. He tried to ask what happened, tried to sooth the pain I felt but Caleb only ended up getting loose words about some man named Robert.

When I had calmed, at least enough for him to understand my blabber, he had sat me down in the living room.

“Alright, Leena, tell me what’s wrong? I want to help you -”

“I’m a horrible person,” I ended up wailing.

Caleb tried hard not to laugh, “Leena, you’re not a horrible person. What happened? What was this big emergency?”

“I...” I watched Caleb with bloodshot eyes, “You’re going to hate me, Caleb.”

“Leena, I could never hate you -”

“Yes, you can!” He looked taken back, “I...I’m sorry.”

He smiled, “It’s alright, babe, you've had a rough few days. Now, just tell me what happened?”

“You won’t believe me...”

“Yes, I will,” said Caleb, “Just tell me -”

“I...” I paused, “Why do you like me?”

“Like you? I love you, Leena.”

“Well... why?”

Caleb shook his head, “Are you having second thoughts?”

“Please Caleb, just answer the question.”

“Well, I love you because you’re pretty,” He smiled, “You’re ambitious, you’re honest -”

“I’m not.”


“I’m not honest,” I breathed, “Not in the least bit.”

“Leena...” His joyful face fell, “Did you cheat on me?”

“No!” I cried, “No... I just... I’m not... I’m not in love with you.”

If Caleb was upset, he didn’t show it. He kept that gentle look upon his face while I covered mine with my hands.

“I never should’ve agreed to go out with you... I never should’ve tried to move on -”

“Move on?” He whispered, “From who?”

“From Robert.”

“He’s the man you were with these past days, right? He had the emergency?”

I nodded.

“What happened to him, Leena?”

I wiped the tears away, “He’s sick and he... he left me a year ago to try and fix himself. He... He didn’t want me to get attached if he was going to die so he left but... I was already attached.”

Caleb listened gently as I told a twisted version of Robert’s supposed selfishness.

“He’s... almost better and he sent for me yesterday to see if I still wanted him...”

“And you do, don’t you?”

I whimpered. I shouldn't be the one torn up here, I shouldn’t be the one crying. I was literally breaking Caleb’s heart but all I could do was sob like a child. It was quite clear between the two of us who was stronger.

“Oh Leena,” and Caleb walked towards me, pulling me into his arms, “I’m sorry, babe. I’m sorry you have to go through this. I love you, I hope you know that, and I want you to be happy.”

“I’m sorry,” I whined, burying my face in his chest, “I’m just a horrible person -”

Caleb held my face gently, his thumb rubbing the tear stains away, “You’re not a horrible person -”

“But I used you!”

“I don’t mind,” He whispered, “I loved every minute we spent together and I want you to be happy. I’m just glad you told me before it was too late.”

Caleb kissed me one last time and whispered that when Robert was out of the hospital, he wanted to meet him and at least make sure I’d be taken care of. I just nodded, still unable to control my tears while Caleb Pine walked out of my house.

He took it well, far too well but I never once wondered if Caleb was the right guy for me. Despite the heartache I knew I had caused the man, I never once stopped thinking about Robert and when I’d be able to see him.

So when Dr. Best called and explained everything seemed alright, I had been ecstatic. She explained I was to keep away until they were certain Robert’s body could withstand all the emotions I seemed to bring to him.

That week went by slowly. Caleb had called once or twice but only to make sure I was doing alright and to ask how Robert was. He was really the sweetest guy I knew.

I may have been a fool to give him up but a happy fool that was delighted with her decision.

When Dr. Best had called, I had raced out of the house, nearly forgetting my shoes. It took me a matter of minutes to drive to the Hospital but the moment I had parked, I had suddenly felt terrified.

Which in turn left me quietly wandering down the hospital hallway and towards the polite receptionist. After she had directed me I found myself in front of room 3. I swore I stood there for over an hour.

I wasn’t really sure what kept me waiting but I waited and waited until a nurse walked by and said it was alright for me to go in.

I knocked politely but when there was no reply I suspected Robert was sleeping. I pushed the door open.

The room was simple, decent with nice decoration and warm walls. This was a lot better than the metal walled experimental room Robert had been stuck in for over a year.

The bed looked cozy, the blankets looked warm but what surprised me was the bed was empty.

“Robert?” I called, nervously looking around. There was a door at the far end, a bathroom, so I hurried towards it, knocking with a gentle fist.

No reply.

“Robert?” I pushed open the door but there was no one inside. I felt a panic growing in my chest, a nervous feel that left me nearly motionless.

Where was he?

He didn’t leave, did he?

Where would he have gone?

Was he sick –

A pair of warm arms wrapped around my waist.

“You came back,” He whispered, his deep voice singing in my ear. “I feared the worst, my love.”

“Rob,” I breathed, my head sliding back to lean upon his shoulder, “You – You shouldn’t be out of bed.”

His chuckle sent a shiver down my spine, “That is all you can say to me, Leena. If you must know the doctor has cleared me. I am allowed to leave this afternoon just after Dr. Best returns with my new identification.”

Robert needed a new name, or at least, a new last name. He needed a birthday certificate and he needed a SIN card. He needed everything a normal human would own.

“You can... come home?” I breathed.

He placed a kiss upon my neck, “Yes, love, I will be home with you tonight that is if you still wish me -”

In an instant I had turned and smashed my lips upon his. He wasted no moment in returning the kiss and I was pulled tight against his body.

My body quivered in his arms, my hands gripped to the cloth covering his torso and I felt myself sink into his hold.

I never wanted to let go. I never wanted this to end because I terrified Robert would disappear again.

“My, my isn’t this a sweet sight,” breathed the emotionless voice of Dr. Best as she strolled into Robert’s hospital room.

“Hannah, I’d prefer you would have waited outside,” breathed Robert as his lips slipped away from mine, “It is rude to walk in unannounced.”

Dr. Best only laughed, “What a proper young man. My, you are going to have a hard time fitting into this time, aren’t you?”

Robert was amused, “I assure you I will blend in just fine.”

“I’m sure, dear,” said the doctor. I was given a bright wink, a delighted one as she hurried my once upon a time ghost boy towards her. I watched as Dr. Best showed her his new identification and explain his last name was now Evans.

He seemed pleased with the change and I watched as he pulled a leather wallet from his new jeans, ones I was told later that Dr. Darwin’s wife had picked for him.

Robert turned with a bright smile across his face. His hair, I had just noticed, had been cut and gave him a very modern appeal. He was still very gorgeous though and beyond breathtaking.

“What is it, love?”

I smiled, “Nothing, just admiring.”

He would’ve replied, could've if Dr. Best hadn’t budded in, “As sweet as you two are, I must take my leave. Darwin’s found a new candidate.”

Robert smiled, “I wish you luck, Hannah.”

“Ah, I don’t need luck, not anymore,” She said with a grin, “I suspect to see you next week.”

“I will be there.”

Hannah Best disappeared behind the door and I was left with a bubbling joy as Robert turned back to me.

“Next week?”

“She just wants to see how I’m doing, love, that is all,” Robert’s strides were long as he hurried to my side. His arms wrapped around my build again and I couldn’t help but lift my hands to his face.

“I can’t believe you’re here,” I whispered, allowing him to slip a quick kiss to my forehead.

“Believe it, love, because I’m here to stay.”

I giggled, “I wouldn't have it any other way.”

Robert kissed my lips, “Let’s go home, Leena.” 

To be continued...


  1. All I can say is:

  2. I'm so glad he is okay! I feel bad for Pine, I mean he loved Leena and she loves Robert. But at least he bowed out gracefully and wasn't a jerk. And now Robert is going home!!! Yay!

  3. they.

  4. I'm so happy Robert's okay! Yay! Caleb was SO sweet for Leena! Such a sweet chapter...


  5. AWww I cried at the end a little it was just too sweet.<3.
